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American Jow Ga Mui Fa Kung Fu Association (美國周家梅花功夫會) teaches traditional southern Chinese kung fu, character, and culture in the Columbus, Ohio area.  



Jow Ga Mui Fa Kung Fu Association (JGMFKFA) teaches traditional Chinese kung fu in a supportive and challenging environment.  Jow Ga is a powerful, quick, and versatile Southern kung fu style.  Sifu Laura Kendrick happily teaches individuals interested in learning all aspects of Jow Ga and what it means to be a life-long kung fu student.  A life in Jow Ga kung fu is one of increased confidence, practical fighting abilities, and overall badassery (a term that many of her classmates can attest to her coining!).

Please email to schedule your first free lesson and inquire about rates!  muifakungfu at


Sifu Kendrick currently offers individual lessons by appointment only to fit your busy schedule.  Individual attention from a Sifu combined with a student's consistent, conscious effort in training is a great way for new students to gain a solid understanding of the Jow Ga kung fu system, and this is the main approach at Jow Ga Mui Fa.  Students who are serious about cultivating their character, physical and mental fitness, as well as their kung fu techniques and knowledge, will be considered for acceptance as official JGMFKFA disciples.  Accepted disciples gain a place in an internationally prominent and growing kung fu style and become a part of the Jow Ga family.  Yat ga yan!  (One Jow family!)


The head of Jow Ga Mui Fa Kung Fu Association, Sifu Laura Kendrick, began training with Sifu Derek Johnson (Cheung Tai Lik 張大力師傅) in September 2005 at Sifu Johnson’s Jow Ga Kung Fu Athletic Association in Maryland.  On March 29, 2014, along with some of her long-time classmates, Kendrick was given the honor by Sifu Johnson of becoming a certified Jow Ga kung fu instructor (Sifu). 

Sifu Kendrick’s lineage through her Sifu comes originally from Jow Biu, one of the five founding brothers of the Jow Ga kung fu style in southern China.  She sees kung fu as not just a set of fighting techniques, but a lifestyle and a mindset, so Sifu Kendrick will always see herself as a student of kung fu.  She hopes her own students will join her on this journey of learning with mindfulness, compassion, and perseverance.

Performing LoHan at the 100th Jow Lung Anniversary Banquet, Hong Kong, August 2017

Demonstrating Fu Pau Kuen in Columbia, MD, 2012


Throwing the chang during Lunar New Years!


Bai Se ceremony, March 29, 2014.  

L-R Cheung Tai Lik (Derek Johnson) Sifu, Laura Kendrick Sifu, SiHing Spencer Ly, SiJeh Vanessa Ly.

Fu Pau demonstration_summer 2012_Col Art

Jow Ga history to come!

Kong Yu Choi Jow Ga Martial Arts Memorial Association

Columbus, OH, USA

muifakungfu [at]

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Sifu Kendrick pointing to her Sifu's name at the Five Tigers Memorial near Guangzhou. Her Sifu was the first non-Asian to have their name engraved at the memorial.

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